Noncommissioned Officers: The “backbone” of the United States Air Force. This tier focuses on training, supervision, and task execution and consists of Staff Sergeant (SSgt) and Technical Sergeant (TSgt). NCOs lead by example as role models to all and ensure proper use of resources within their control. They become proficient and internalize the Airman Leadership Qualities and progress toward intermediate and advanced foundational competency levels.  Additionally, they continue their development through Enlisted Professional Military Education and career-broadening positions, as they begin building a strong network within and outside their organizations. As Noncommissioned Officer's progress in this tier, the focus will be on establishing proficiency.

NCO Responsibilities (The Brown Book,, pages 15-16):   

Development Path:

Develop Leadership and Supervisory Skills

Documents to Review:

Learn About Arizona Leadership, Mission, History, and State Partnership Program (SPP):

Key Air Force Systems to Know: 

Promote Organizational Culture: